About Us
We believe that the Bible is the only Authoritative Word of God.We believe that Jesus is God the Son, the Creator, who lived a perfect life, died for all of mankind on the cross, was buried, then rose from the grave three days later, and forty days later He ascended into Heaven, where He waits with God the Father, until He comes back to gather His children at the end of Redemptive History.We believe that the only way we can receive the gift of Eternal Life (be saved) is thru faith in Jesus Christ, by that we mean who He is, and what He did.We believe the Bible when it says that if we will repent of our sins, put our faith in Jesus, and ask Him to forgive us, and save us from our sins that He does just that.We believe that ultimately there are only two possible destinations for people – Heaven and Hell. We believe that as Jesus said, He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no one can enter Heaven apart from faith in Him.
We have community concerns, and we are actively involved with:
Tooele Children’s Justice CenterTooele County Transitional HousingTooele County Jail
First Baptist Church – 580 S. Main St., (P.O. Box 686), Tooele, UT 84074435-882-2048Twelve (12) miles south of I-80 on Hwy 36 (Main St.), that's about two miles south of Macy's, just at the south end of Tooele City.
What does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to be saved? Does God really care about sin?
If you would like to discuss any of these or other issues with us, type in your question, with a way to reach you in the box below.
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